A great get together

Across the country individuals, organisations and communities are holding events for the "Great Get Together" which, as its website puts it , is about  "celebrating Jo Cox's belief that we have more in common".  It was of course a year ago today that she was murdered. 

Politicians have been particularly encouraged to do something in their areas so this afternoon I held a tea party and open door event at my office in Dunoon.

Politics was talked but my local Lib Dem Councillor - and a former MP for the area - came along as did many others.   And we talked  - constrictively and respectfully - about lots of things we had in common as well as a few things we didn't.  

Politics doesn't have to be a gladiatorial combat.  At its best it is about bringing people together to make collective progress.

(PS ; Just looked at my entry from a year ago - MSPs campaigning outside the Scottish Parliament for a "Remain" vote.  Given everything that has happened since then , including Jo Cox's murder, it seems almost like an picture from an age of innocence....) 

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