Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman


We all love to see damsel flies hovering around our ankles with such finesse and grace and make no mistake, they are fearsome hunters in their own right. I actually observed a couple of damsel hunts this morning, were the green midge that I blipped a few days ago was plucked from the air with consummate ease.

The damsels literally infest the rice paddies. If I disturb a clump of rice plant with my foot, sometimes as many as half a dozen damsels will fly out. Unfortunately for the damsels, the rice paddy is also infested with these fearsome spiders who lay a carpet of web. The damsels can usually easily avoid the web but mistakes do get made and this is quite a common site.

Yes, it is gruesome, but it also serves as a warning. Should you see a damsel or dragonfly get tangled in a web, before you wade in and try to rescue the doomed insect, please remember this blip and be aware of what you are getting involved in. Spiders generally are harmless unless you accidentally encroach on its territory and stealing his food definitely qualifies.


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