Beginning Roller Betty

The Roller Betties are a Roller Derby league in Bellingham -- their motto is "breaking hearts and body parts".  I sincerely hope this little beginner doesn't break anything.
My blip buddy Mary Jo and I went to watch them as part of a street fair tonight.  It was a super way to spend my birthday which up until the time Mary Jo called and suggested we go had been pretty quiet.  I had been sorting clothes (whoopee!).  Anyway, off we went to the street fair where many fun things were happening, with good food and a lot of silliness.  We ended the evening with gelato and a mad dash to try and catch a spectacular sunset before it faded (we didn't quite make it).  

Thanks, Mary Jo for making my 77th birthday very special.  My life is so much richer because you're part of it.  XO

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