New Name!

I can't keep calling her no longer Pregnant Jo so "Out There Jo" is her new name! She came over to see me today as she has given up working in my old school in my old class! We both agreed it was the right decision. So my resources never made it back in but her children had fun playing with them and they are what prompted her to make her decision. She said she  just didn't feel right after   planning lessons with them. She loved what she planned to do but along with that came a panic attack! It's like wearing rosy coloured glasses, pretending everything is wonderful when in fact  it's not. The discordance of her lovely lessons and the way the school was, was suddenly brought to prominence and she could no longer tolerate it. 
After lunch and a sit in the sun with an ice-cream I suggested she do a tarot reading. She does this for other people and knows each card and what they symbolise by heart. I have to refer to my book! I always felt Tarot cards were sinister and not to be messed with, but an ex introduced me to The Runes and I liked them. I changed my mind about Tarot  after sitting in on Vegan Jo's session in Totnes. Where else would one go for a tarot reading! She had it in mind to do and when her young daughter suddenly ran into a shop and into a back room, what should we find but a guy doing readings! The odd thing was that it was a double entrance, you turned left or right once entering a hallway, and her daughter turned left  into the bookshop, when the turning to the right was a more child friendly shop full of toys and interesting things. Well I found the reading to have no sinister feeling and the guy very matter of fact and in no way did he draw information out from Jo to lead or inform what he told her - he simply said what each card could mean.  Many weeks  later I went back to the shop and had a reading and went on to  buy a pack of cards for myself!
My mum would say such things are written in a way that anyone can interpret them to say  what they want to hear. I can recognise this and also think people use such things when they are seeking answers and maybe reassurance, so they will interpret them how they want. They are in fact seen as merely being an aid to connecting to oneself and what one already knows but hasn't recognised or acknowledged.  I don't do them often, and have done them for friends, and I must say they uncannily do seem to be accurate as to the persons  situation. The only time they were not was with Vegan Jo - some cards I just could not identify with her.  It turns out she had not told me one vital piece of information about her life, when she did those cards suddenly made sense! 
So - the cards were totally apt for Out There Jo! But then she knew she had made the right decision!

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