Another sunset. Haven't really had time to take pictures.

This morning we first did some assembling.
Then off to run errands. First a visit to the local electronics store to complain about the disturbing sound the fridge makes every time the door is closed. We'll get a call from the service team. Then off to the internet company and have a look through about our deal since we didn't get the cable and took our new sims for the mobile. I'm now with a Spanish service provider so my old number does not connect. The to local the decoration / furniture shop to get a nice box for the doggy toys and the new covers for the sofa. They only had blue, but I took it. Then groceries.

Then home. IKEA was coming our way an hour early. That was nice. Our friends came around two to help with the bathroom glass wall installation. That went good. Then we had some drinks and talk. During the bathroom ordeal we had the painter to come and paint the welding area. Then our friends left and we continued the new IKEA assembling. Then came the electrician to install the last lamp for the bathroom. He was only 1,5 hours late. After he left we've been doing the same thing: assembling and putting things in places.

I was hoping I'd have time for swim today, but it was dark already when we finished. And there's still some assembling for tomorrow as well. And I'm hoping that tomorrow we have time to clean the rental so it's spotless from all over. it's about 80% done.

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