3 Piece In Motion
In the photo is the band, Hold Your Horse Is. I went to see them with Mark at the Westend Centre in Aldershot. It was a good gig, if a little strange. There weren't too many people there but there was one guy with a stuffed moose toy and he was getting fairly into it, placing his moose around the bands and generally shouting "We Love You!", or words to that effect.
During the day Nick had come over and we worked on a song I had started writing recently. We got into it really fast and after a couple of hours we set up some mics to start recording. The resulting sound we got was amazing! Far greater than anything I've ever done at home before. My new PreSonus interface with it's lovely preamps and 8 mic channels, along with my new microphones, must have something to do with it. Very excited about getting more recordings done in the next week or so.
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