Forget me not.

I didn't see anyone in the gym this morning, but as I was nearly finishing on the bike, I saw Des approaching. He had been to walking, or in his case, talking, football. He had manged to score this week, so his team won 3-1. He didn't hang around as he was starting work at 1 o'clock. When I came out of the gym, I could hear the church bells ringing, and I guessed that Kevin was showing someone around the bell tower. I guessed right, and only Adrian was there to welcome me. He asked me if i had seen the tulip tree along the road outside the church, and showed me some of the photos he had taken. I thought that would be a great idea for me  to blip, for  Flower Friday.Kevin appeared by this time, and introduced me to the lady, he had been showing around the church. She is hoping to get married in the church in August 2018. I stayed for a cuppa, and then went to take some photos of the tulip tree, except I couldn't find it, so instead, I took this . I have done it before, but this wall plaque, and well tended border, fascinates me, because no one seems to know  why it's outside the church wall. I then walked to town, paid a bill in the bank, and caught the bus home. We watched the Full Monty last night, and I thought it was brilliant. I thought they we brave to do it, and I laughed my head off 

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