
Whilst out for a walk this morning, I spotted this old piece of equipment in someone's front garden.  I thought it was a bit random, as they didn't have any other pieces.

The weather has been better today, well at least it hasn't rained.

So I went out for a little while.  I went to the local pet store, to see if I can buy anything to stop Neo, from picking the stair carpet, and Sophia to stop picking the furniture.

I have picking posts all over the house, but it doesn't seem to stop them picking other things.  I don't know why Neo is now picking the stair carpet, he never used to, he was always very good at picking just the posts.

Whilst in the pet shop, I saw this beautiful golden tabby.  Looked about 3 months old, it was so friendly.  I just watched other people interacting with it.  I didn't dare go over, I might have felt an urge to buy it!

I also went to a video store that is closing down.  A sign of the times, they didn't have any videos only dvds, and obviously nobody is renting them anymore.

I did restrict myself to buying only one dvd, but I might go back for another look.

I also went into the local Post Office, and bought Isabella a lovely book.

It was nice to get out into the fresh air after the last few days.

Isabella came over at about 4.30.  She learnt a new word today, 'back'.  So she kept wandering off, then turning around to say what sounded like
'I'll be back.'  Made me laugh as I'm always saying to her, 'I'll be back in a minute.'

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