In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

The laughing gnome

I get told sometimes I shouldn't get angry about politics. Well I find myself getting as angry now, as I rapidly approach my 65th birthday, as I did when I was pushing my 25th.

I find there is very little to laugh about in the political world just now.
I have been advised that I shouldn't unfriend  folk on Facebook because they have differing political opinions from me.

To a point that is correct, but some of these have been supporters of Trump. So I am making no apologies.  
Here is the thing. I wouldn't go and see a concert by a thrash metal band because it's not my cup of tea. I wouldn't expected to hang about with, or join a club is only interested that particular type of music either. But I have no problem with those that do.
Whereas I do have a problem any politics that is not inclusive for all.
Unusually for me, I find I can't put into words exactly what I mean. And that example is anything but the best.
But I hope you get my drift.
I found out yesterday that all lost deposits from General Elections go to the Queen, and in 2010 that amounted to over £1 million.
I told that to a customer yesterday and thought that was fine because she brings in loads of tourists.
Does she heck like. When in London visitors might go see Buck House, So following that logic, a lot of visitors and such, go.see Peterhead Prison museum. So why doesn't the money go to ex prisoners?

It's BS.
They come to Britain for a myriad of reasons. No, the money should be given to charity or at least, to local councils.

The MayDup supporters are next
Rant over.

Saor Alba.

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