
By TheBigCheese1

Big Fish, Little Fish

Been a funny old day today.

Had lots of fun with some electricians who are part of the refurb of our school kitchen - turns out my mum taught one of them!

Varnished and hung yet more little fishes in the school garden to complement our big fishes that are already displayed. Love it when the garden is decorated and colourful :)

Saw off our oldest pupils to an outdoor adventure centre for the next couple of days - first time I haven't helped to transport, weird waving them off.

Ran an after school club for the children of parents who blatantly hadn't read the newsletter to say it had been cancelled due to the above trip out.

The Dadski surprised us by come home unexpectedly, which meant I could go to the outdoor centre for the evening activity - woo hoo! Went for a lovely walk in the late evening sun around the Goyt Reservoir. One child fell over and really hurt her elbow, so ended up in the local a&e :/. She seems ok, we'll see what tomorrow brings.

It's now almost midnight and I'm eating my tea in bed, whilst trying not to wake up The Dopski who is in here with me! Apparently she felt ill! The Dadski is fast asleep in her room! Oh well!

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