Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Red squirrel

Went to Augill Pasture nature reserve near Brough today as have a bee in my bonnet about finding a Frog Orchid.  Tried a different nature reserve a couple of years ago but haven't had any luck so far.  Its a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack.   They are meant to be on the reserve somewhere together with other orchids.  I did see lots of the Common Spotted Orchids and a Butterfly Orchid in bud.  May go back in a week's time as think it may be a bit early.

Anyhow back at the car and I couldn't believe it when this Red Squirrel put in an appearance.  Had to zoom right in and of course the settings were all wrong on the camera, didn't have time to change any.  I know they are not sharp images, but it had to be my blip as who knows when I'll see another!  

Afterwards went to Brough Castle just down the road.  I've seen it from the A66 many times and have never been able to stop.  Well no excuse today.  Am glad I finally got to see it, it was wonderful and so interesting to read the information boards.  Have put one in extras.

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