Team Alice

I haven't been allowed to say anything about it before, but today was a Big Day! There was a rally obedience beginner's competition, and we were in it! Even though we have only been training for a few weeks. Cool, huh?!

We got to the dog club late afternoon and went walkies past the agility field. Dogs were training and I wanted to go too but mum said not today. Then I was left in the car while mum went "course walking". Very soon she came for me, and it was our turn! Wow! Let's go, mum!

One of the tricky things with rally is that the dog - me - must look at the handler more or less all the time. But with the grass exploding with new dog scents, no offence mum, but this is way more interesting... We did really well despite this, only one big mistake. We were both super happy and I got liver cat treats and salmon pâté when we outside the field. Yay!!

There were two courses, which meant we had another start later. This one was trickier, and both me and mum were tired, so we didn't do ourselves justice. But we learned a lot. We stayed until the end to see the winners and also get our protocols.

In rally, you start at 100 points, and the judges deduct points for every tiny mistake you make. The ultimate goal is to get 70 points or more, because with three of those you can get a diploma and you get to compete in the next class.

So - our best result for the evening (drumroll!) - 67 points!!! Mum cried real tears. A great adventure!

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