
By BlueMoustache

Sister Act!

Late post but; my first year of university is done! It was done on the 1st of June but I've been so busy that I haven't had time to update blip!

My exams were mixed and I honestly have no idea how I will fare but I guess we'll see and I'll just have to trust that what is meant to happen (and what is already decided) will happen!

After exams finished we had the annual Law boat ball which ended as a disaster because we had to evacuate the boat early to allow the emergency services on. So the night ended early and my best friends and I ended up drinking hot chocolate in a café rather than drinking something slightly more alcoholic on the boat like we'd imagined!

Over the past week I've been to Winchester, explored a castle, watched court cases, been shopping many times, watched Sister Act and been out too. Overall it was a good week!

Now onto summer...and Washington DC!!


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