Bring Me Sunshine
Iridescent and green nestled into yellow sunshine! Lucky him!
Me - well I had a run in with a temporary warden whose hat I saw dodging and weaving in the grasses following me. She hadn't liked the fact I had parked where I had for years. When she actually said that there were 'No Parking signs here, (this is in 2 spaces on a lane), I humbly not being a teenager, said I hadn't noticed and could she show me? She couldn't. 'Well there should be!" she said indignantly. No - not until HRH PC had been there last year was any of the fencing, warden patrolling etc there. I moved the car good as gold - dogs in...dogs out etc.
The rare Large Blue butterflies were not to be seen there unfortunately, nor the multitudes of various species of previous years but on a positive note the sun shone and the slopes were carpeted in flowers. Truly beautiful!
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