At least I think it is a Keeshond. We headed up to Edinburgh taking Katkatkat & G back home. After a visit to the supermarket to refill the fridge and food cupboards we strolled along the Union Canal to Zizzi's.
As we passed the moorings at Harrison Park this old boy was taking the evening air beside a Narrowboat. I have tentatively identified him as a Keeshond. If I am right he is a singularly apt choice for a Narrowboat. Keeshonds are also known as "Dutch Barge Dogs" and while Narrowboats aren't barges they aren't far away.
Keeshonds are said to be named after a dog belonging to "fighter leader" around the time of the French revolution. The Gentleman in question being one Kees de Gyselaer. So I suppose literally Kee's dog.
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