Men at work!

After a week of soft engineering last week (cutting fabric up to rearrange before putting it back together) we had a trip out to see some serious hard engineering!!!!

B was coaching athletics at a school in Tattershall this afternoon, so went over early in order to visit the Royal Air Force Battle of Britain Memorial Flight at Coningsby. 

A fascinating and informative hanger tour of the aircraft. There was more to see, but we didn't have time. The Lancaster is down at Duxford for work to be done, so we plan to go back when it returns and see more. Having thought through the information given, I now have new questions to ask.

The blip illustrates some of the 'on the job" training provided by the full time reservist technicians for the regular RAF technicians. 

Whilst B did his coaching at school, I sat in the car and worked on George, my tapestry. 

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