Beans Meanz....

....I haven't got time to cook anything else.
Stop now unless you want to read a whingey, whiney, moaney post from a blipper feeling very sorry for herself.

Woke up at 1.45 am and spent the next 4 and a half hours trying to go back to sleep.
Worked through play time and lunch time sorting out an athletics competition. Bus duty after school then straight to data meeting with head then straight to staff meeting. Home at 6.30, got my laptop out to finish planning tomorrow's lessons.
D and Alf at cricket so a quick plate of beans on toast on a tray while I finish some paperwork.
In early tomorrow to mark today's maths work as we've got someone coming to observe us who will probably inspect our books.
Oh, and a parent came to see my headteacher to complain about me not giving her precious daughter the part she wanted in the play. I wasn't sympathetic enough when precious child burst into tears, apparently.
Bad me.
Glad I spent my whole half term writing reports. ..Unpaid. Glad I work all weekend planning exciting lessons. Glad I sit here every night with a laptop or pile of exercise books on my knee.

Moan over.

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