Cherry Picking - - -

- - - - Leftovers

Went down into Thornbury with KG this morning - he dropped me at Tesco and then went on the the sports centre.  Got a bit of shopping and then caught the bus home.  There are two buses at the same time but go separate ways one to Bristol and the other to Cribbs Causeway- I can catch both but the Cribbs Causeway  one means  i Have a shorter walk home - I made the wrong decision let the Bristol  bus go and the other one was then 10 minutes late grrr. Still \i was home before 10 so not too bad.  On to the computer been having issues with my virus programme in the end I uninstalled and installed again and it is now working yay 

I bought some cherries for after our tea tonight and they were going to be my blip but with all the goings on I forgot until we had eaten them so hence my blip is of the leftovers!!!

Coolish start but lovely warm afternoon

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