The Senior Prom

Dear Diary,

I promise, this is the last of the "golden oldies"!  Here we are, ready to set off for the senior prom, my future husband David and I.  I was tricked out in the latest "up do" and white gloves.  The empire style was all the rage.  A few years before it was the Gone With the Wind  look, complete with hoop skirts!  Girls styles changed as quickly as New England weather.

No limo's for us, David drove us to the high school gym in his father's Nash Rambler.  I had spent the day before decorating, along with a dozen other girls, our gymnasium with what seemed like thousands of pink and white tissue carnations.  We had practiced the "Grand March" which opened the prom so we were all ready.  What a far cry from today's lavish affairs.

Two years later I married David and my "youth" was over, high school a distant memory.  It seems we rushed through those days to get to the coveted "grown up" years.  How foolish that was.  I really have no desire to re-live those days in the least but looking back on it makes me realize how quickly time passes.  The lesson is simple, live each day to its fullest for when it is gone it is gone for good and all we are left with are the memories and a few faded photographs.

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