Poetic Licence

Today's Mono Monday theme is "My Best Friend".

My best friend is/was definitely my son Blaze.  And doesn't he suit chainmail and steel so well?!

Regardless of his death, I can always know that we shared a very special mother/son relationship.  It's a pretty good measure of a relationship when I can say we didn't often disagree - and when we did it was generally only over who the best fantasy authors were and who had the worst taste in music!

I was always proud of him (still am) and I believe he was proud of me.  

He'd have loved this.  When he was still at high school he dressed up for sports day in a helmet,  chest plate and sword, all painted in the green of his house colour. As an avid fantasy reader I know he'd rather have had the real thing, so I've created it here for him.

(see in extras for the 'green' version - Feb 2006)

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