Saturday Night Dinner

(Apologies for the poor exposure, but this is the shot I want to share.)
It was an easy drive up the A6 to Lillehammer along a large, very long lake. That's when I realized I hadn't properly registered my SIM card, so we were mapless - and clueless, as usual, but Lillehammer is not that big and soon our hotel materialized in front of us.
Our wonderful host, Erik Lindstad, came right over and took us for a whirlwind tour of his hilly city. Climbed around the Olympic ski jump arena, and saw many other places before meeting his dear partner, Ingalill, who stole our hearts. Erik's first wife was Kirstin Kongsli, my father's second cousin, though close to me in age. She died of breast cancer in 2003, I think.
Then we piled into their Volvo and drove to his son's for dinner. Here, in the picture, it's my Eric, Erik Lindstad, Ingalill, Oyvind Lindstad, his mother-in-law visiting from Thailand, and his wife, Ranna. We had a feast of barbecue and salads.
Oyvind is the first blood relative I've met so far, and he is my new hero for helping me with my phone woes. He gets helicoptered onto one of Norway's offshore oil rigs for rigorous two-week-on, four-week-off stints. At home, he and Ranna are surrounded by remodeling and have plants and flowers everywhere.

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