
By OCDman


View of the river Spey from the car park at Baxters Visitor Centre at Fochabers.

As this river goes futher inland it is where all the famous Speyside Malt Whisky's draw their water from.

Not only stunning scenery but Baxters also have a restaurant where you can get their world famous soups plus scottish pancakes the size of dinner plates which with butter and Baxters jam on cannot be beaten.

Then into a small local butchers in the village of Fochabers for some sausages for tea.Mine are Pork,Sweet Chillie and Iron Bru. This is going to be a first although the butcher did say they were really good selllers so in for a penny in for a pound.

Hopefully more travels tomorrow although I have promised my dearest I would bake some scones.

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