The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Once upon a time

..there was a princess who lived under the sea.
And she had only one wish.
And every day she stood in her grotto of luminous shells and buttoned urchins, and wished her wish out loud:

"How I wish I could see the land!"

Now I know how she feels. I've been under this duvet for days. I've had countless sweats and innumerable showers; organised a few trips and played my favoured role of travel advisor; researched obsolete gaming consoles; read a whole book....

But when I attempt to get up, things don't go so well. Yesterday I walked to town and back. Bought the excellent book I've now finished reading. But later, even hanging up a few items of clothing was enough to send me scurrying for cooling cloths, such was the overheating induced by this small effort. It feels like the menopause version 10.1

Today I've made a batch of firelighter biscuits (oh, the irony!) and that was going to be pretty much it for today, apart from the office duties that I can perform in bed, but I've decided to microwave the evening meal, as CleanSteve is now feeling not so great, and it must surely be my turn?

How I long to be actually six again, and for my mother to turn up in her orange tweed 'costume' and brooch, armed with a new fuzzy felt set, and a children's book that she would read to me!

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