Faces and Flights

Feeling better is relative: I feel better than Eric.
While keeping plans in place, today we flew from Edinburgh to Oslo, then a couple hours later we flew from Oslo to Bergen, Norway.
Sounds simple enough, except it involved putting together an emergency airplane bathroom kit, packing to be able to leave our big bags in storage at the Oslo airport for two days (the tour we'll take on Friday will be easier with just daypacks), switching to a new currency, switching to a new SIM card, and carrying on realizing I really did drop that fistful of papers filled with careful notes just before we got on the first plane.
But we did keep up our strange new game of recognizing family and friends in people we see around us. In Great Britain, it was the English. We'd give a nudge or small directional nod and a quiet whisper:
"Richard Blickle."
"You're right!"
Or, "Dad Cottam, over there."
"I've been seeing him everywhere!"
These faces look like Norwegians we know, so a new chapter begins.

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