Journey 2 Ithaki

By Journey2ithaca

Re connecting

...not the total reconnect as yet. This is yeaterday's so backblip.Posting this half way up Snowdon. Last night wasn't in the mood for photos. I wanted the eyes of my soul and my eyes to see everything. So that s why you get a photo that is just a photo but the feelings I was experiencing were magic.

And when I put the head torch with mrs M the 'getting lost' adventure started

I got a little video Here ...and this is the type of video you get holding an iphone
and running on the fells on magic Ilkley moor. But that was a WOW!!! That was magic Mrs M!!! Re connection initiated...goodness can t wait for my hero 2 to arrive so I can film while cruising on the trails.

Let's do it again!!!! And again

I will try to blip a better photo today, but as I said it was the emotions and what the eyes of the soul could see that mattered. Ooohh by the way I tried to capture the beautiful purple flowers on the path I was running but I had to see where I was going as the path was rocky and muddy

P.S felt very strong and powerful and Mrs M at some point said buzzing herself that I was glowing. (I never wear hi viz by the way) it must have been my aura

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