Two day's worth of rubbish from the reed bed
which I collected this morning although I cleared it out 2 days ago. Those of you who heard about our Bristol Reed Bed and how we were working to get Crowd Funding will be pleased to hear that at 2p.m. today we reached our target and will have access to funds that will double the £3000 that we have raised to date. I spent all day on the reed bed, pointing to our stars of the day - 8 ducklings and 5 moorhen chicks which have hatched in the past 2 days. It was nature at its best but alarming for 5 children who were watching when a seagull swooped down and took one of the ducklings. I had to explain that it had chicks of its own to feed and that chips wouldn't be on the menu till later in the day but the noise of the duck and the screams of the duckling as it was held by its wing will haunt my sleep tonight.
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