
By PaperMoon

A few steps more.

"For college seniors there should be a week of being allowed to cry. Just break down and cry because you are scared and don't know what's next. "
-Bill Cosby

This is it, my-- I mean our last year of College.. This is the last draw, last chance. F***! AHAHA!

It's been 4 years since I chose Trinity University as my second home, my home away from home. Within the corners of this small institution, I learned a lot of things, things that cannot just be taught inside our class room. I learn how to stand up for myself, adjust to different kinds of people, get to know myself more.. and the most good thing is being close to God.

As it is just a few months away to our graduation, I like to thank everyone especially God who contributed so much to my growth, and how college is far more better now that high school. Yes, High school.. people referred to it as "The best time of my life" but for me, not really. I mean its good and fun! But nothing compared to what college life had given me for the last 4 years.

As I close down this entry, I just want to clear out that everything for me has already taken its place, every tears, smiles and heartbreaks.. All of them has a place to go, and all of this is a reflection of me, of how i used to be, and how I believe I was meant to be. Everything has a reason, it depends on the choices you are going to choose, its not true that "I have no choice!" -- NO! It's better if you say... if we say "We have no better choice".. Stop blaming someone, let's look into ourselves.. Trust God and let the fire burning------------------- All of the things I learned in College. Thank you lord. :)

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