Return to the North

By Viking

Warbling along

I was up and out early this morning. I was at Far Ings by 7.45. It was slightly wet but not torrential so I decided to get a decent walk in and was hoping for some bird shots.
Within about 15 metres of the car park I had taken some iPhone shots of snails mating which I could bag for a blip but I carried on walking (got to do more than 10k steps today to make up for miserable total yesterday) 
As I got to Ness Hide I spotted a marsh harrier being 'harried' by some gulls. He/she was so wrapped up in the fight that they didn't realise how close to me they were getting! Sadly most of the shots aren't great (see here ) But as I sat and waited too see if he would come back I spotted a warbler close by. Now it was flitting around something terrible, so the fact I got a clear shot at all was amazing but I was well chuffed to get one of him with a damselfly in it's mouth. So the shots of the snails and harrier are relegated to Flickr and the warbler is my Blip

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