Allegedly Me

I find it fascinating how others see us

According to Myers-Briggs for most of my life I've been an INTP personality type, I'd question if you can 'type' personality to be honest and wrote an essay on this when I was a BSc student (with the OU) many many years ago. This personality type (if you believe such a thing) is rare in women.

Over much time my personality has changed and whilst I'll always be introvert (I) I reckon, I'm now an INTJ allegedly! If you do a Google of famous people personalitywise it makes interesting reading. An INTJ is like Jane Austin ( despite an A level in English Literature I'm not a big fan), Mark Zuckerberg, Lenin! Jodie Foster, James Cameron, Stephen Hawking, Jay Z, Russell Crowe (urghhhhh not a fan), Nietzsche, Napoleon Bonaparte ( this is not looking good!) Newton, there are also a few very negative sorts who are INTJs, idealists.

It's a good personality type for a teacher, lawyers, researcher and psychologists so it fits.

My blip today is a pencil top, it's a donkey or ass. I was described playful as being an 'ass' today but this week I was also described as being a very shouty, passionate character (see yesterday's blip) I feel like neither but I know which description I prefer muchly and I relate to Trio girl more.

Today was grey and rainy, sunny in the afternoon. I rested and relaxed, I watched the 5th episode of Twin Peaks which was rather non- descript compared to the previous excellent episodes of the new series, with David Lynch you have to bear with it as he is sowing the seeds of fabness.

Had a curry this evening for the first time in a while.

I was hoping to fulfill a blip challenge today but because of the weather I've failed, challenge on tomorrow.

Oh I got bitten by a cat today- a first! It was playing as no skin was broken! I think the cat was enjoying being petted and having attention but then it was all too much and it bit my hand rather gently and sauntered off.

Much to say in my blip diary but it can wait

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