I have been sitting...

...in the garden (more or less) all day since dawn. A session in the potting shed this afternoon when I fell into deep sleep.

Then this evening I started this painting about 8 pm. I wasn't sure what I was going to paint, so I just scribbled and it developed from there, but it got dark before I had finished, so I had to do the toadstool indoors. I would have preferred to have finished it outside, but the light of phone wasn't enough!

The toadstool is a nightlight thingy.

Brain did well picking out birdsong. It is different than before with the last incorrect mapping. There is actually more variation in the song, possibly with more notes in the birdsong. There is nowhere near the amount of birdsong reaching my (cochlear) processor as there was with the incorrect mapping last month, but what I am receiving now, I can only assume is more what should reach me. There seems to be a sound perception of distance now. That wasn't present before. It appears to make sound a bit more 3D.

Also aeroplanes sound different, there is more in the sound, but the basis of the sound in my pencil sound drawings I did a month ago are the same.

I am still getting used to the different sounds in the bungalow. Well, they are the same sounds, but have different sounds/notes/intonations within them, with this new mapping. Even the two clocks I did my pencil sound drawings on, would look different if I drew them again.

But any new sound startles me. I don't know what it is, and neither does Brain, so I receive any new sound as harsh and discordant, and makes me jump out of my skin. I have started to adopt the strategy (once I have looked around and if I can see nothing obvious) to say, either aloud (if no one is in the vicinity)or in my head, that the sound is not important. And hopefully Brain will either round the edges of the unknown sound or dampen it down somewhat in the meantime.

When I scalded my hand with steam out of the kettle spout on Monday, it didn't hurt. I felt no pain. I didn't move my hand away immediately because I was unaware what was happening. I think I was still in shock with the drastic new mapping yet again. It didn't hurt after either, which was why I didn't think it was that serious. I did explain to the nurse at the cottage hospital when I went on Thursday (when my pharmacist said it was urgent) about the cochlear remapping because she was wondering if I had been in shock over it. Anyway, I go back tomorrow for it to be checked and re-dressed.

I will see if I can catch up with comments in a minute when I have posted this, and having my bedtime cuppa of nettle tea!

Thank you for your stars and faves the last few days.
And thank you for all your kind comments x

[Sounds were drastically changed yet again, after the drastic remapping of my cochlear processor in April. I am readjusting to the different sounds, which are actually vastly different, as it is now suggested I was never mapped properly in the first place which is why I have struggled the last few years.]

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