
Well, that was a bit of a turn-up, wasn't it? And how desperate must Theresa May be to have resorted to such a dangerous and wholly inappropriate coalition with that bunch of crazy creationists?It won't end well!

Anyway, that's enough about politics...except to say that I'm very proud of the young voters in this country for their 72% voting rate.

In other news, Mr DA and his team won an award today. I haven't seen him yet as I suspect they've been celebrating in a pub somewhere in London but he seemed very excited about it.

Oh, and there are no birds around this evening. I'm not sure where they've gone but hopefully they'll be back tomorrow. Something has been eating the bird seed...I hope it's not just the jackdaws. So, anyway, here's my sort of Easter Island head from the garden. He's seen better days but he's hanging on in there.

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