THE day.
We had an appointment with the notary and now have the deeds to our house. And the keys. So that went well. But there are few hiccups along the way.
- we have no sunroof until about Christmas (October they say - who will believe?). First you have to have the house papers in order then you apply for the additions (sunroof). So that's how it goes.
- so we now own a piece of construction. That will be updated as they get the papers in order.
- We will have no next door neighbors for 2-3 months (we were told). All the rest need a loan from the bank and as the houses are not finished the bank will not give the loan. We are the only ones living in our face.
- we have no address. Our escritura (deeds) does not include address. It only states witch area on what area and what plot. Let's see how that will work out.
- the house is so dirty. I've cleaned over 3 hours and still there's dust everywhere. I need to have another go tomorrow. I can't believe that they not only do not really finish the houses, but also leave them so dirty
- we only have electricity in one outlet. Hoping they can fix it on Monday.
Now I'm having a plastic cup of cava and next we'll take the dogs out. The dogs visited the house when we were cleaning there. After that we took them home and transported 2 carloads of stuff to the house. Now the only wardrobes we have are full (Spanish houses do not have closets at all). Next we need to make the IKEA order and have everything delivered so we can continue the project.
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