
By kas18


Voted very this morning while on a run with Andy. That's that job done.
Was very pleased with my 4 mile run. Slow but I was trying to sort my posture out as I always get a bad back when I run. It did the trick. Nothing's ever perfect though as instead of my back aching I ended up with shoulder hurting....very strange. Don't need that as my shoulders are going to take a battering over the weekend.
Took myself to Trifarm this evening. You'd never guess by looking at my blip would you! Three circuits in wetsuit tonight. Much faster than swimming in skins. I have a 10k swim on Sunday with wetsuit so needed a swim session in it. Lots of kids there tonight. Really good to see the little ones enjoying openwater swimming. I wish I was able to do this in my youth. Back in the day it was just pool swimming.
Came back, showered and was out to see my friend. She's had a nasty accident. A head on car crash. The lady who went into her blacked out and just drove across the road right into her. She shaken up for sure. Apart from bruising she's not too bad. Very lucky.

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