Looking for my photo mojo!

An overcast day with rain in the forecast turned out to be a good day for a blip trip to the Holden Arboretum. This has been a strange summer, and with autumn creeping up on us, I've only been to the Arboretum one or two times. Last summer I was there one or two times each week, but it just hasn't worked out that way this year. For a variety of reasons, I haven't been able to get out and about with my camera, and I've begun to think I am losing my blip mojo. So it was with more than a little anticipation that I took my camera and headed to the Arboretum, hoping to blip some butterflies. Walking down the path into the butterfly garden, I scanned the area, expecting to see the colorful critters hovering in the air and flitting from flower to flower. But major disappointment! I only saw one butterfly. That's it, just one! Either they've started their migration early, or the cloudy weather discouraged them and they decided to "sleep in." Nevertheless, I enjoyed my hour in the garden and came home with a few blips on my memory card that made the trip worthwhile. Maybe I'll be able to recover my photo mojo after all.

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