So, off to Brighton; old haunts and old chums. Honestly, i just write this; i swear someone else is dictating it. And the first disappointment, D&S have become near teetotal. Jeesus (good thing about Christians is that they won't lose the rag over this sort of casual use of language) - I had to leg it back from Shoreham veerrry quickly to assuage my desire for a large glass of the old pinotty noir.
Disssaaapointment 2. Posh loudmouthed tossers in the restaurant. I had to leg it back upstairs quickly to assuage my desire for yet another large glass of the old pinotty noir.
But hey, highlight of the day, review of The Sweeney by Peter Bradshaw....
"And how about Regan's feisty no 2, Carter, originally immortalised by Dennis Waterman? Here, the role goes to musician and film-maker Ben "Plan B" Drew, whose many talents frankly do not encompass acting. His look of intense, silent menace often makes him look like a six-year-old secretly urinating in a swimming pool."
Ha hahahaha ! Maybe just one last glass of the old pinotty noir, eh?
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