Icons are art for the illiterates
The last days I was occupied with icons and my friend's story about them in Greek to be translated,, what I did... but now the icons flow in front of my eyes; I've seen them all the photo's again.
Initially posted here one of the icon from SW Crete where the illiterate believers of then, the 14th Century and onwards are shown what will happen to them in the Here-After when they did not live a chaste and proper social and religious life... their naked bodies will be tormented and black demons with wings like bats will beat them or worse... frightening scenes for them in those icons, what looks almost like pornography.
Realising thàt image must be published still, I'd better put up another icon's pica here that's not that dramatic, but shows also that some beating was normal apparently to the old religious teachings
~ ta Kevin 4*ing the other icon...
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