What A Day

We had the day off from the kids - Squirrel had a day trip with nursery so her father took the day off to go with her which meant he was able to take and collect The Cygnet too.

I managed to take PD out for his morning walk and stay dry!
The rain started gently as we were about 100 yards from home.
I had taken the big camera with me (despite having found there was a problem with it not allowing a memory card to stay in the second slot .... I will need to think of the best way to get that fixed) and was able to get another fence post for (one of) my project(s), a thistle head and some big fungi.

By the time I had to take SWMBO out to her slimming club it was monsoon weather - which is how it has remained for most of the day.

It was then a quick shop before going to vote.
That was when I lost the plot!
We arrived at the school where there was an area of parking designated 'For Voters Only'.
In that area there is one disabled parking bay.
That was taken up with a vehicle plastered in SNP advertising.
I had to wait to get into a space as a car in front of me maneuvered into a space leaving room on the passenger side as opposed to the driver's.
It turned out that the driver was an elderly gent who I recognised as somebody who has problems walking and has a blue disabled badge. He then had to get his wife's wheelchair out and got her into that ......... in the pouring rain. 
Unfortunately SWMBO and I missed this struggle as we were berating the car in the disabled spot as we could not see a disabled badge and it was pretty obvious that it was going to be one of the electioneers'.
There were two SN electioneers right outside the entrance (one male, one female - both within the prohibited  distance from the entrance) ..... no seats for them of course.
When we came out of the building we were followed round to the parking area by the woman where we saw that the old gent had had to leave his wife in her chair (in the pouring rain) while he had to reverse out of the space and into the middle of the parking area due to fact that there was now no room to get his wife near the car door. As we got nearer the SNP woman stopped and watched. By this point the man's wife was in the car and we were unable to help him.
As he drove away and I got into my car the SNP woman came over to the vehicle in the disabled bay. SWMBO challenged her about the parking and she was very snippy with a terrible attitude saying that she had a disabled badge. When it was pointed out that it wasn't visible she pulled it out from under the dashboard and threw it on top. She then slowly walked away back to her post (much more easily than the old man was able to walk).

I was incensed!
She could walk better than somebody pushing a wheelchair and able to stand for long periods and was not prepared to help the disabled!
Hardly a glowing endorsement for the SNP who claim the elderly and disabled are at the forefront of their aims!
In fact I was so incensed I sat down and wrote an email regarding this to the SNP head office.
I got back a reply later which stated that 'the vehicle'  had a disabled badge (vehicles don't get badges - people do)......... Nothing else!  
Three and a half hours later when I passed walking the dog the car was still in the same place and there were three people walking up the road talking about the arrogance of whoever had left an 'official' vehicle in the only disabled space (one of only 5 spaces) within the Voters Only' area.
It kind of sums up how the SNP comes across ......... The "Wee Man Syndrome" - rude, aggressive, I'm right and everyone else is wrong and refusing to listen to what others say.

And it is still bloody raining!

Rant over.

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