With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

A way of life

The boys took themselves to school for the first time this morning. And I felt no worry (mostly) that they would make it safely. Now that is the way life should be and one of the many reasons I so love it here.

I heard a slightly worrying crack as I lay on the osteopath's workbench. In fact my leg shot into the air. But I must say, my neck feels somewhat released. Meanwhile, I could hear the chainsaw bringing an ancient almond tree sadly and slowly down, it's life finally over. Further revived by coffee and a chat, I set to with the cleaning of the house. Some potential buyers? I doubt it. All looks much better though. I met the boys in the plaza and we had some lunch while the viewing was going on, and then I had a rest and the boys did some homework. (Really! What a result)

And then we decamped to Wendy's for writers' group. Work on our old rented flat below seems to be extensive. We had a lovely evening. I'll write my offering below. And then we were treated to a pizza in the square and we laughed the way everyone should, with freedom. That's the way.


On arrival in the dead of night
Two final traces left, two clues:
A treat to lure, a towel to ensnare.
The tools to fix his restless soul, left unused.

Accustomed to rejection, I ushered boys to bed.
I laid my head, abandoned thought to pillows soft and welcoming.
What will be, will be the same tomorrow.
But this time, he has gone for good.

Cockerels and bin lorries awoke me
And then I thought I heard a distant mewing, but
With slewing of bags, clothes and food,
All thought was shelved of absent friends.

By mid-morning, exhausted on the sofa, all grew quiet again.
Cereal bowls stacked away and stomachs full,
We heard anew his plaintive cry
"Hello, hello!" "Miew, miew"
And there behind the window grills,
Quivering with the intermittent traffic roar,
He grasped and clawed his way back to us.

All confident now, he festooned us with gifts.
A tease of jumper with his claw,
Mutual rubbing of prepubescent jaws,
So much love in an instant, all betrayal forgiven.

It lasts so briefly, gifts of cockroaches,
Sometimes a succulent bird still flapping,
Once, triumphantly, a tragic bat:
Our cat. He comes, he goes.

Acceptance and forgiveness, man - animal love is raw, it's all or nothing,
A thunderstorm with soft Autumn light to follow.
Grey fur on black clothes reveals our secret love.
He comes, he goes.

It's just a way of life I suppose.

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