
By memento

These days beg to be counted

when it isn't anywhere near warm enough in the house during the day to turn the air conditioning on,
when the night breeze through the window is just cool enough that I need to hike the comforter up under my chin.

That is the reason this is my favorite time of year.

Next door it appears that the demolition is complete and the sill boards for the new level's rooms are being mapped and assembled. No more bang bang bang...instead, the thud of 2x8's, the kerchunk of staple guns, the roar of air compressors and the buzzing of circular saws; a veritable cacophony. How glad am I that I don't have to be inside that house over the weekend? Very.

And in other news: if I ever need a change of job, I can now say that I would be an absolutely ace New York hot dog vendor.

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