
Not the greatest of photos but one which summed up the previous day. Torrential incessant heavy rain: one month's downpour in a day. This is the "conservatory" which has leaked for years despite efforts to re-seal. And the firm now no longer exists. One reason the back of the house is about to be redesigned. This tray filled up from one "drip".

Fortunately the day, while cooler and fresher, was brighter and sunnier. Got some lovely photos in Glasgow where I was for a meeting of the tripartite group: primarily ourselves, the reporters and social work. But also includes safeguarded and lawyers. We discussed the work on better hearings and how we might manage delivery of key areas without duplicating effort locally and ensuring that the activity is set within the wider children's services and community planning processes.

The we had an interesting discussion on secure care led by Alison Gough who used the be part of the CHS team. Good to catch up and hear of all the research and findings from her work.

Given my transport issues last Friday it is good to report that everything went like clockwork today. I left the office, drove to a nearby tram station; tram to Haymarket, ,caught the train to Glasgow and walked to the meeting venue some 10 minutes from Queen St Station. All in just under 80 minutes. .

The return journey took a little bit longer but still quick. And that is before he new trains come on line.

To return to "floating". As we head into 8 June I suspect there are few floating voters. Those who are going to vote will have made up their mind some time back. Whether on securing a hard Brexit deal (not my preference) or on minimising or reversing the Brexit deal; or on funding for the NHS, education, or a more just society. Or on generating economic development by redcing the tax burden. Or on personalities.

There are so many layers to this election and some are about decisions two or more years into the future.

I suspect that while the outcome is likely to result in no change of Prime Minister , the impact at local constituency level may play a surprising part in the balance of power. But I just don't know. I just hope people go out and vote. I've been voting since 1973 and I've never felt a general election to be so important.

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