Wild Wednesday
I discovered that a local planning application to build houses has been approved. So far I have not come across any good reason why. Just about the whole village objected. I am the only resident in a whole row of holiday homes and see little likelihood of these houses being any different. The developer has significant land holdings in the area and interestingly could not have chosen an area closer to the national park (the dark green bit on the map) without being in it, if they tried.
I'm hoping, with a sense of futility, that tomorrow won't go a similar way. I'm a simple soul and would be very happy if I never had to see anyone else, already suffering, driven to dangerous levels of desperation by ESA assessments.
Whilst I'm at it, there was an absurd moment at work ... and I can't even be bothered to go there with that other than the so called values of kindness and fairness were as lost and faded as they are on the photocopied posters on the wall where there wasn't quite enough toner used....
The high winds and heavy rain abated today but I will continue to rage.
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