Blipping heck

Not the best blip
But only picture taken

Wom slept from 5:00 last night till 5:15!

Everyone dressed
Munchie dropped off at nursery in forest school clothes at 7:40.
I got to Woma nursery at 8:00, text from munchies school to day forest school cancelled!

Got to school, rang one of the mummies who kindly offered to take her in a summer dress. Luckily lots of others hadn't got the text so she wasn't the only one!

Picked wom up, he fell asleep ten minutes after I'd got him. Picked munchie up
Everyone home

Wom to bed
Munchie did great reading tonight
Her books are (in my opinion) very long
34 pages! We can no longer get through the book in half a week!


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