Return to the North

By Viking

Fun and frolics

I didn't get a call for work so i decided to make the most of the sunshine and get a walk in. It was blowing a gale this morning but headed to Far Ings anyway. Not much about (other than a bus load of nursery kids and helpers, very sweet). Did manage the odd damselfly and took a video of the wind blowing through the reeds but other than that not much success. Did have a lovely drive back down the lane to leave the reserve. A wee duckling had been separated from it's mother and was strolling down the middle of the lane. Had to do a very slow drive behind it (with a car behind me, who thankfully was equally as patient) I realised that If I carried on behind it I would end up driving it onto the main road so I overtook it and as I did so it ran into the bushes and hopefully the lake. disaster averted.
This afternoon I headed off to Normanby Park. They were setting up for tonight's 5km park run for Cancer Research, and while I have been averaging about 4.5miles a day there is no way on God's earth I can run. So I wished them luck for this evening and sauntered into the woodland!

This wee chappy was very friendly. There is barely any crop on this shot - he was very inquisitive. I have put extra shots of him and the flowers form the walled garden here

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