Kitty Has Claws

My Dear Fellow,

I may have used this forum to impugn my colleagues from time to time. I find it deeply therapeutic but of course would never dream of saying these things out loud in a roomful of people because I am "diplomatic". This is not at all the same thing as "weaselly" so shut up.

The thing is, I thought I was the only person with The Mean Girl in my head. But I hosted a meeting with the rest of my team where Woman Who Relates Everything To Herself was not present.

The floodgates opened. "Can we do something about the weekly meeting?" asked one person. "She does NOTHING but talk about herself."

Oo-err! That's a bit harsh!

There was noisy agreement from the rest of the team. I was given an action to "ask her to shut up".

The funny thing is, the other people in the room included The Man Who Can't Finish A Sentence and The Woman With The Really Boring Voice and they were just as effusive as everyone else.

Perhaps I should have said something to them. But I did not because I am diplomatic.

I wonder what they say about ME when I'm not there??


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