Shell detail (Day 762)

I had though that the rain yesterday was heavy. I was wrong. Today's wander up the hill with the dogs required full waterproofs and welly boots. The rain was so heavy I discovered that my waterproof trousers aren't. 
As I set off to do a bit more at Ali and Ej's, the rain got even heavier and it was a slower than normal trip across as I dodged huge puddles and drove through floods.
I spent the morning working away in one of the sheds, and was pleasantly surprised to see that the rain had eased off to torrential by the time I stopped around lunchtime to head back home for another wet walk with the dogs at Wasdale.
I returned home without having taken the camera out of the bag again, so I pinched my beautiful wife's macro lens and took a few shots of a broken shell we found on the beach a while ago. 

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