
By LadyPride

The Showdown

Today is a day I've been dreading for a few weeks. A big meeting that will determine the future of my business. I've been gearing up for it for days and it's caused me many sleepless nights.

Left my husband in charge of Audrey and got up early, showered and headed into the city on the commuter tram. It felt strange; full of suits, plastic coffee cups and well thumbed copies of The Metro. An alien place to me right now.

Got to the meeting place early and set myself up with a fry up (well...I did reach my weight target a week early yesterday!) Coffee'd up and more prepared than I have been for a meeting in a long time, the meeting got under way. And it didn't go as badly as I suspected it might. Still don't know the outcome but I do know that it went as well as it could. Tonight, I have peace. The Blackberry is off for the weekend and what will be, will be.

After The Showdown, I met up with my husband who was swanning round Manchester city centre showing Audrey off to all his mates in the bars he used to work in. Something he wouldn't have done a few months ago (as she'd have screamed the place down).
We had a great afternoon in Manchester, having lunch, bumping into people we knew. Just like the old days!

And the relief I felt that my meeting was over was palpable.

Tonight we put Audrey to bed and got a little drunk cooking dinner in the kitchen (pictured rather unimaginatively through the window). Will probably regret the boozing later (during her night feeds) but right now, it feels wonderful....and re-lax...

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