
By mydayblipped


Today I had to go to get work allocated to me!
Went down to the uni and did the classic, open the door to the room I was meant to be in, see a sea of faces and think 'sh*t I'm in the wrong room', walk out, stop and think hang on I recognise some of those faces, open the door again and go in :D :D

Sat for 20 mins until the person doing the allocations arrived.
Sat for a bit longer
and a bit longer

Finally after an hour they decide that they can't allocate us work this morning but took the subjects we could notetake for and our availability.

Came home feeling a bit deflated cause a) I was a wee bit nervous beforehand and it came to nothing and b) was hoping to know what my hours would be and didn't.

Then realised that I had nothing to do for the rest of the day as had made no plans.

Hubby still off sick, but he'll be back to work on Monday

Rest of the day spent pottering about. Washed the kitchen floor, on my hands and knees, scrubbing and a'thin! :D

Then when I finally got on the computer at 7pm, found emails with work allocation!!!
I have already been allocated 2 students to work for and I'll be back to the university site I was in when I studied for my degree. Which is fine in one respect because it means I know my way about the building and know a lot of the lecturers there. Not so good that my son will have to go afterschool club a few afternoons a week. He's not happy. My daughter on the other hand is elated to know she will get a house key!

But then tonight I went and looked at the students' timetables, and if I've got it right, I could be notetaking in some of my favourite lectures (that I went to as part of my degree) with one of my favourite lecturers (who was also my supervisor for my honours project)

And I didn't need to worry about not getting hours...I seem to have lots and now wondering if I'll be able to do proofreading as well. We'll see.

So now very excited to get paid to go to lectures I like :) and doing the happy dance :)

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