One Feather...
Doth not a feather duster make!
Look! I made up my very own quote! idea what that means but it's what popped into my head when I was trying to come up with a title for today's blip :-))
This feather was sitting just outside the front door on Friday so I brought it in to save to blip on rainy day and today has certainly been rainy. I had a good idea of the kind of shot I wanted but it was only when I started taking photos that I remembered how much I loved and miss my black granite work top as a photographic backdrop. I'm sure David said he'd kept a bit of the old granite for me for this very purpose but of course he can't remember where it is! I suspect the garage but today wasn't the day to go searching, instead I stuck the feather inside a cast iron frying pan. Needs must :-))
Been a bit of an odd day today where things got started but didn't get finished. All seemed a bit aimless really. I find that tends to happen when there's been a spell of good weather then the rain returns. The sunshine makes us active and get out and about then the weather turns and we don't know quite what to do with ourselves.
One major thing that did happen today is we made a decision on who to appoint as new support worker for Alan. This post is slightly different from just support worker as it also encompasses Team Leader duties.
We haven't had a Team Leader before but thought the time had come to pass on some of the admin duties connected with Alan's care needs such as staff rotas, ordering supplies, arranging servicing of equipment and supervision of other team members. It's been a difficult decision as we had two very strong candidates, however a decision has been made, the job offer made and we are just waiting to hear if it has been accepted.
Please keep everything crossed.
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