Pen pals?

What a horrible wet day. For our office, it was wet inside and out. On the top floor, we are experiencing some leaks. One caused the whole bank of computers where I sit to be turned off, and we had to move to spare desks. Well, we don't have 'spare' desks, but there are a few people not in on a Tuesday, so 5 of us were able to move temporarily. It was quite nice, however brief, so sit somewhere else!

Left at 4.30, in my trusty (thin) pac-a-mac and was home by 5.30. Imagine my excitement (I know you can) when I saw a letter on the mat addressed to me. Not a bill, statement, or election fodder, a PROPER letter. A pink one too.

I'm not telling you what it says, that's between me and my pen pal, but it was so lovely. I can't tell you how much I miss chatting to my friends. I do talk a bit too much, perhaps, but this person fits into my best friends category. We can't see each other, and we can't move our homes closer to each other, but we can still communicate in the old fashioned way. This letter means so much more than a text or email. Handwriting is important. It is unique, and reading this letter brought me closer to her for that time I was reading it; I could hear her voice.

We are meeting up at the end of July if I can't get to Cambridge before then, but I'm going to write back. But what can i say, that she won't already know,when I blip everything, warts and all?!!

Other news? Drove out to collect Mollie and her bike at 6.30, while it continued to be hideous weather. Henry cooked dinner, Mollie washed up. I have a headache. I'm going to have an early night. I'm hoping it is just tiredness, but I have had it all day. Just doing a bit of therapeutic sanding first.

Hoping the rain stops soon. My garden is awash, and the dog is not getting a walk as the lane is completely flooded at one bit, like a ford. Good job we have the stream!

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