Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Bashed about

Our car was in for its MOT so we were both taking the train albeit to different destinations this morning. The wind and the rain were ferocious; my umbrella blew inside out and TSM's shoes go so wet she had to stick them in the hand drier at work.

I was off to Kingston via Surbiton so had a close encounter with Transport for London; I had forgotten what a joy rush hour buses were, the proximity to other human beings so great that you risked venereal disease, the dangerous inadvertent eye contact, and having your toes trodden on. 

My meeting was okay; bit longer than I had hoped. But did come back via Glutopia, a little gluten free / vegan bakery on the way to the station. Bought two small cupcakes at the outrageous price of £3 each. They got bashed about in transit but to be honest were passable rather than nice even before that. I have ordered a vegan baking book so that I can try my own hand at cakes and stuff.

More meetings back in the office, not enough time to do anything, too many new demands. Yesterday's shitstorm has not really abated.

I cadged a lift home which turned out rather bizarrely as TSM had done the same thing from a meeting a few miles away. When I checked my phone I realised she was about half a mile behind us with another colleague who had offered to take her all the way home (although it was substantially out of his way). So I got dropped off so that I could go with them; but before they could pick me up our next door neighbour went past, saw me and pulled up. So she bought us both home. All very weird, like unintentional hitch hiking.

The car passed its MOT. TSM cooked an amazing Thai meal. My vegan society membership came through. There was a great article in the magazine about rescuing and rehabilitating a one eyed cow. I am becoming an enthusiast / zealot, after ten days in the non leather saddle, of a meat, fish and dairy free diet.  I may become an activist. We even bought a tofu press yesterday. No kiddin'. 

Working from home tomorrow. Thank god.

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